Empathy in leadership: can it be developed?

Heather, the boss storms out of the department, slamming the door behind her. She is grouchy from lack of sleep, being kept awake by her youngest who is ill. ‘Bloody staff’, she muttered to herself, ‘why can’t they do what they are told’ . Lisa stands, red-faced and humiliated. She has just had a ticking…

Mindless distractions

Today I went running on the moors, not having been there for a week due to my hay fever. As usual I started off being very mindful – noticing that my stride had lessened in length as I climbed the hill and that my breathing was getting quicker as I was running against the wind.…

Telling tales: Storytelling as a communication tool

My blog for this week can be found on Rachel Miller’s Diary of an Internal Communicator site. You can follow Rachel on Twitter at  @AllthingsIC You can also read it below: On July 10, I was tuned into Radio4 on my way to meet a client.  At 9 o’clock, the economic historian Professor Niall Ferguson started his presentation…