You can teach an old dog new tricks

This summer I have been sharply reminded of my need to continue to learn and to adapt  to the changes that are taking place around  me. This can sometimes be a challenge when you are older with ingrained habits and entrenched mental models. It was time to move out of my comfort zone and keep up with the pace of…

How to keep the Olympic flames burning? Be a cheerleader

Since Danny Boyle’s spectacular opening ceremony 2 weeks ago, Olympic fever has spread across the nation with epidemic gusto. There have been highlights and lowlights but one thing that has consistently stood out, has been the Olympic crowd. If medals were awarded for being a crowd, Gold would surely go to the 80,000 exuberant and…

If you are happy and you know it…

Yesterday the Office of National Statistics released its findings as part of the inaugural subjective wellbeing survey commissioned by David Cameron in an attempt to chart the nation’s happiness alongside economic data such as GDP. Whilst you may disagree with its subjectiveness, cost of £2m a year and view it as being “candy floss –…

Will the real Mrs W please stand up? Banishing The Impostor in the room

Earlier this week I was working down in London and took the opportunity to catch up with a friend. I inquired how her morning had been as she did not seem her usual bouncy self. She responded that she has had a couple of graduates working with her and went on to say, “You know…