Are your beliefs holding you back?

Last night on a rare occasion I decided to watch some TV and came across BBC4’s The Cursed Valley of the Pyramids. The film centres on the Lambeyeque valley in Northern Peru where the ruins of 250 pyramids lie. It tells the story of why the Lambeyeque were obsessed with building pyramids and unearthed a culture…

What foundations are you laying for the future?

Yesterday, as I dropped my eldest child off to spend a month with a group of strangers in another continent, I experienced a multitude of emotions from tremendous anxiety and worry to pride. My worries ranged from concerns about her safety, her health and wellbeing, about being so far away from home… to immense pride…

Top dog or underdog?

Last week I attended a briefing day for coaches on the BIS coaching for high growth programme. As with these types of events you are not informed about the other participants who will be attending. On entering the room it was immediately apparent that it was filled with dark coloured suits and middle-aged white men.…

Crafting a polished and focused response to ‘What do you do?’

 Are you able to give a polished answer when someone asks you what you do? Does it roll of your tongue and leaves the listener wanting to know more?  When I first started out in business, and people enquired about what I did, my answer was, ‘I am a coach’. This was often met with…