Reclaim your creativity! 5 ways to help you

  “Even if we don’t have the good fortune to discover a new chemical element or write a great story, the love of the creative process for its own sake is available to all” (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)      Over the past week, I have had the opportunity to make connections and meet with 3 people who use creativity within their…

Top 10 tips for initiating successful change

Challenges of growth, economic downturn, competitive pressures, shifting and global markets and tougher trading conditions are some of the factors that cause organisations to change. This may result in the changing of focus, expanding or contracting activities and rethinking products and services that are offered. Leading and managing change requires the objectives of the change…


The last few weeks have been eventful. My trip to India has been postponed to a date that I cannot make in April. As this was the third change of date I have decided to withdraw from the challenge completely. This has been such a disappointment as I was really looking forward to going to India and…

Planning for success

In my last blog I talked about setting personal goals and resolutions. Buisnesses also need to plan where they are heading, what they need to do to get there, how  they  will monitor their progress and evaluate success.  Whilst one cannot predict the future, one can anticipate and plan for what lies ahead. A strategic plan will help you…

8 tips to help you achieve your goals / New Years resolutions

Why might you want to set goals? Goals can excite, stimulate, inspire, energise, help you to develop and stretch yourself, change old habits and behaviour and the journey itself is transformational.. The start of the New Year symbolises new beginnings, a fresh start, and an opportunity to be or do something different and is often…

Masterclasses for women and Sponsorship

Having got to grips with some of the technology I am now concentrating my efforts on raising some funds for my trip to Vasavya Mahila Mandall   Creative masterclasses specially designed and priced for women  Planning for success in 2011 An opportunity for business owners to raise their heads above the daily grind and to have the time to think, reflect…

The social revolution

I knew that this would be a steep learning curve but never expected it to be a vertical one! First up was getting to grips to social media, a topic which I knew nothing of. It was if it came, took over the world and where was I? Obviously not taking any notice of this…

Vasavya Mahila Mandali

The organisation that I will be working with is called  Vasavya Mahila Mandali (WMM) which serves a population of 2 million in Andhra Pradesh, India in the areas of: Children – shelter and counselling for street children and support from trafficking families   Community-based health – HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis; sanitation; safe drinking Women and adolescent development – so that…