Today, 17 years ago my life was changed forever and has shaped who I have become. My eldest daughter came into this world prematurely. To say that I wasn’t prepared, was an understatement. There was not even an item of clothing, let alone a cot or a basket! Weighing just more than a bag of sugar and with…
Author: verawoodhead
Coaches Connect reflections: Strengths
Today’s reflections from CoachesConnect which took place last Friday in Leeds, comes from Susan Ritchie, coach, trainer blogger, writer…at You Time Coach and can be found on Twitter @susanjritchie This year saw me attending Coaches Connect again – a great conference at which to meet fellow coaches, make connections, learn and share good practice. The…
Coaches Connect 2013 reflections
3 years ago I wrote a blog post Thinking BIG: Turning vision into reality where I had a vision of what it would be like…. if we (coaches) came together and shared our practice and experiences so that we can learn from each other, extend our professional networks, collaborate….and from that the first Coaches Connect was born on 22…
Will you be blossoming this spring? 6 ways to help you blossom
“The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month” (Henry Van Dyke, Fisherman’s Luck) I am reminded of this, as the 21 March is ‘officially’ the first day of spring yet we have seen temperatures plummet, heavy snow fall…
Life can be like a bowl of spaghetti: Making sense of midlife
It has been 6 weeks since my last blog post. I have had so much that I wanted to write about and whilst have mulled them over in my head have not managed to put fingers onto the keyboard. I was very disappointed in myself that I couldn’t find the time to write which was…
What stories are you telling to our future leaders?
Monday 21st of January was a particularly snowy day with 16 cm of the white stuff gently floating down to transform the landscape and cause the usual UK chaos. As a result schools were closed and my two children took this opportunity to have some fun time in the snow. My eldest had crafted a…
The tale of the red dress
Today I made a bold decision and updated my profile picture. It has taken about 6 months to finally change my ‘public face’! It is a step away the former traditional image that I have used publicly. Why so long? I am now 46 years old and have never had the courage to wear red. It seems such…
I get knocked down, but I get up again
How do you get through a meeting when everything that you say is met with opposition? This was the situation facing me last Friday. Later on this year, the community project that I am leading is putting on an ambitious event. We have aimed for stars, dreamt big, shifted mindsets and gathered support and momentum…
What stories are you telling ?
On the evening on the 21st December, the travelling crib came to our house. The crib begins its journey on the 1st of December travelling to a different family’s home each night before returning to church on the evening of the 24th December for the Christingle service. It’s a church tradition and has been a…
Wishing you a joyful Christmas
To my readers and connections: You have all in your own way enriched my conversations, perspectives and worldview. I am grateful that you have been a part of my world in 2012 and hope that this will continue in 2013. Vera