6 ways leaders can build their resilience

Change, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity can be found in most workplaces today. In such environments, leaders are required not only to cope with the resulting adversity, emotional ups and down and stress but at the same time, support their people and help them move forward in these challenging times. This requires leaders to be resilient.…

6 ways that listening can help you become a better leader

Last week, I spent some time in an organisation with their executive team attending different meetings and discussions which gave me the opportunity to observe them in action with a range of people and situations. As the week progressed it became evident that there was a common thread running through my observations. There seem to…

Stop micro managing and start coaching

“I couldn’t possibly let him close the deal on his own. What if he gets it wrong or can’t answer a question, I have to be there”, says Gary. I am in a room with 11 sales managers who have been identified as ‘not able to let go, not letting their sales reps develop, taking…

Whose on Board?

It is 8.20 am and I have taken up position in the corner of the boardroom waiting for the meeting to start. I am here to observe the board meeting of a not for profit organisation as part of helping the board with its development and performance. My initial observations include: Of the 11 people…

Storytelling in leadership development

 This week I was facilitating a new leadership development programme with a group of directors. For the past couple of years, the company has been going through some challenging times due to being acquired by a large global organisation resulting in changes, restructuring and shifts in culture. There was a feeling of powerlessness and a…

Empathy in leadership: can it be developed?

Heather, the boss storms out of the department, slamming the door behind her. She is grouchy from lack of sleep, being kept awake by her youngest who is ill. ‘Bloody staff’, she muttered to herself, ‘why can’t they do what they are told’ . Lisa stands, red-faced and humiliated. She has just had a ticking…

Failure, success and life

Earlier this month I took on the National Blog Posting Month challenge of writing a blog each day. I started out well, writing daily, full of ideas on what I could post and then life got in the way. Committing to the time to write was always the challenge. I could have written less words,…

Who ‘does’ leadership? You, me, everyone?

The term ‘leadership’ has become something bigger than us, something removed from the grasp of the ordinary people and seem to be reserved for those who have been given the title, run a company or a business or lead a team. Such people are deemed ‘leaders’ because of their position or title. Whilst formal leadership…

Growth and development is ageless: 5 nuggets to becoming a better you

I often get asked to speak at schools and universities about my journey. Afterwards, many of the professionals  feedback that they have also found it stimulating. This has made me realise that some of the fundamentals of growth and development is ageless. Here are 5 nuggets which I share with a younger audience and believe that they are…

How your stories of leadership can help develop future leaders

Everyone loves a good story and most of us would have been captivated by stories in our childhood. Good stories grab our attention, touch our hearts, inspire us and enable us to vicariously learn through the other person’s experiences. Stories can be used in any aspect of communication to create a journey of imagination in…