Why do some teams excel while others struggle?
Back in 2000, while researching team effectiveness at St James Hospital in Leeds, it became evident that teams are a reflection of their leaders. They set the tone, role model postive behaviours, drive the culture.
It was here that I came across Amy Edmondson’s early work on psychological safety, which revealed that teams in hospitals with better teamwork and outcomes admitted more mistakes.
Google’s 2014, Project Aristotle, further highlighted psychological safety as the key to high-performing teams.
Teams that innovate and thrive share 4 essential elements, as outlined by Timothy R. Clark in his book The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety:
1. Inclusion safety: Everyone feels valued
2. Learner safety: Curiosity and learning are encouraged
3. Contributor safety: Ideas are shared without judgment
4. Challenger safety: Questioning the status quo is welcomed
To lead a successful team, actively cultivate these stages:
✅ Ensure everyone feels included
✅ Provide opportunities for learning and growth
✅ Recognise and celebrate contributions
✅ Encourage your team to challenge the status quo
I find that creating a psychologically safe environment from the start, sets the foundation for team development, collaboration and innovation.
I have developed the BUILD model and diagnostic tool which offers a holistic and structured approach to cultivating diverse, inclusive, and high-performing teams.
Curious about BUILD and how it can drive your team’s success? Let’s connect.
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